• 28—30.10.2021 19:00
Mezzo, 60’

Text in French

Originally of Greek origin, choreographer Lenio Kaklea is based in Paris. Since 2009, she has been developing an arts practice that straddles dance and critical theory. Ballad is the concluding part of the cycle Encyclopédie pratique that Lenio conducted as research, which is somewhere between a documentary and poetic evocation.

In this solo, she investigates how our movements form a moving landscape and can act as vectors for emancipation strategies. Using a danced autobiographical and sociological narrative, the choreographer tells the story of her training. She takes us through the dance repertoire and, in a careful, virtuoso and sober way, presents a succession of choreographic landscape paintings. She occasionally interrupts this flow by saying a few words about her training in Greece, her position as a dancer, her disappointment due to the crisis, the difficult situation in which the creation finds itself, the political context and the feminine body. She takes stock and drafts a manifesto in plain language and a strong and haunting personality.

Possibility to buy a combi-ticket with the show UNDIVIDED.

Con­cept, chore­og­ra­phy, performance :
Lenio Kak­lea
Text, dra­matur­gy in col­lab­o­ra­tion with :
Lou Forster
Out­side eye, trans­mis­sion of Martha Gra­ham’s repertoire :
Jack­ie Elder
Out­side eye, voice work :
Dalila Khatir
Trans­mis­sion of Fran­cois Malkovsky’s repertoire :
Suzanne Bodak
Sound, stage manager :
Eric Yvelin
Light :
Flo­ri­an Leduc
Orig­i­nal music for Acts of Light :
Carl Nielsen
Orig­i­nal music for Le petit berger :
Claude Debussy
Pro­duc­tion :
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Tri­en­nale Milano
Pic­tures :
Tri­en­nale Milano — Gian­lu­ca Di Ioia