• 25—27.08.2022 20:30
Chapel, 70’

Bel­gian première


Meet the artists after the show on 26/09

The Bygones are beings that once inhabited the land in the distant past, like dwellers in limbo. These supernatural creatures are fashioned in the margins of the form and the formless, at one with things but from which things always eventually escape and find a life of their own...

This unstable and haunted world where all seems fortuitous and necessary does not resist the thrust of the will or the energy of desire: ragged individuals emerge from the shadows and become virtuosos of movement, producing impressive duets, and group moments where bodies disarticulate gracefully in an inventive dialogue with the lighting.

In this show where all is image and sensation, Tiffany Tregarthen and David Raymond write a veritable ode to invisible forces where mystery competes with fantasy.

Cre­ation, performance :
Tiffany Tre­garthen & David Raymond
in col­lab­o­ra­tion with :
Elya Grant, David Har­vey, Renée Sigouin, Aiden Cass
Lights design :
James Proud­foot
Video lights design :
Eric Chad
Sound design :
Kate De Lorme
Cos­tumes :
Kate Bur­rows
jack­et by :
Haj­nal­ka Mandula
Mask and hand design in mixed mediums :
Lyle Reimer (LyleX­OX)
Stage man­ag­er :
Ying-Jye Han
Copro­duc­tion :
Ago­ra de la danse — Montréal, La Rotonde — Québec City, Dance Victoria
Cre­ation residencies :
The Dance Cen­tre, The­atre Freiburg, Art­Spring, Shad­bolt Cen­tre for the Arts, Rev­el­stoke Per­form­ing Arts Cen­tre, The Yukon Arts Cen­tre, Cen­ten­ni­al Theatre
Out Inner­space Management :
New Works avec Jason Dubois, Jen­na Kray­chy et Francesca Fung
Out Inner­space Board of Directors :
Dylan Con­nel­ly, Marc-Andre Boyes-Manseau, Dar­cy McK­itrick, Michael Musac­chio, Tara Fanara Palko, Manoj Shankar
With the sup­port of :
Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts | Con­seil des arts du Cana­da, The BC Arts Coun­cil, City of Vancouver
Pic­tures :
© Alis­tair Maitland