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Sea­son 2024.25


While this season promises to feature some unique works and iconic performances, it will also be marked by a shift within our structure. Indeed, I will be leaving my functions in late December 2024, but will still be in charge of the programme until June 2025. My successor as director will be Charles Vairet, someone we trust wholeheartedly.

Throughout the 14 years I devoted to Les Brigittines, I was determined to champion a rigorous vision of art, encouraging talented choreographers and supporting them with the necessary guidance and resources, enabling them to be free to pursue their creative desires, inventions and fantasies. In an age of declining cultural awareness and a tendency to narrow identities and standardise ideas and perceptions, we must nurture choreographers willing to explore their own darker spheres.

How can art counteract the brutality of everyday reality, if not by subverting the expected to open up new avenues of exchange and nuance: reflections, audacities, fantasies, invitations to the imagination?

While the stage provides a platform for resistance, it is also a space for pleasure and surprise – sometimes amazement. In our troubled times – to say the least – this is what I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Patrick Bonté
General and artistic direction

(Picture Season 24.25 : Alice Pallot - 'First diving')

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