• 24—26.03.2022 20:30
Chapel, 10’

In a metronomic and hypnotic sway, a woman emerges from the shadow, her eyes staring forward. Animated by metric and smooth arm dance, she is emanating cold and mechanical sensuality. As she moves forward, her movements free themselves and turn into erratic outbursts and volutes transforming her from one woman to another, from one role to another. Organicity and breath interfere in the stranglehold of the rhythmic loop and give way to enchantment.

Event composed of three shows:

- Thursday 24.03 with: Vertiges and The Gyre
- Friday 25 and Saturday 26.03 with: Vertiges and Pulse constellations

Chore­og­ra­phy and performance :
Shan­ta­la Pèpe
Sound design :
Thomas Turine
Cos­tumes :
Pat­ty Eggerickx
Light­ing design :
Hugues Girard
Pro­duc­tion :
Cre­at­ed with the sup­port of :
la Com­pag­nie Mossoux-Bonté
Pho­to :
Katarí­na Baranyai