• 30+31.08.2017 20:30
Mezzo, 20’


Meet the artists after the show on 30.08

In this short play marked by the stamp of originality and humour, the metamorphosed dancer in constant unbalance changes into one mysterious Thing*, to use the words of Cummings to describe Josephine Baker.
Vera Mantero uses both to question the perception of the dancer by the audience.

* What he really said about Josephine: “one mysterious Thing, neither primitive nor civilised, or beyond time, in the sense that emotion is beyond arithmetics”

Evening made up by 3 piecec cf. Peut-être elle pourrait danser d’abord et penser ensuite & Ouvrir le temps (the perception of)

Con­cept, performance :
Vera Man­tero
Make-up :
Alda Slav­isa (orig­i­nal draw­ing by Car­lota Lagido)
Props :
Tere­sa Montalvão
Orig­i­nal light design :
João Paulo Xavier
Light adap­ta­tion and operation :
Hugo Coel­ho
Exec­u­tive Production :
Cul­turgest, Lis­bon, 1996 Homage to Josephine Baker
Sup­ports :
Casa da Juven­tude de Alma­da Forum Dança Re​.Al / Amascultura
Pho­to :
© Jorge Gonçalves
O Rumo do Fumo is sup­port­ed by :
Min­istério da Cul­tura / Direcção-Ger­al das Artes