• 07—09.03.2024 20:45
Chapel, 60’

Underpinned by an undeniable poetic quality and intimate exchanges between the three dancers, Blue Moon Spring approaches jazz as a philosophy. Within predefined frameworks, the choreography takes on the form of a conversation between bodies that allow themselves to be guided by improvisation.

A generous musical score supports the dancers in listening to each other and embracing each other’s free expression, deviations, and wild imaginations. Blue Moon Spring exudes the pleasure of performing, combined with the celebration of a completely different show each night.

In these troubled days, this unique show restores a sense of human kindness.

Con­cep­tion, choreography :
Anneleen Kep­pens
Cre­ation, performance :
Jason Respilieux, Mar­gari­da Mar­ques Ramal­hete, Peter Savel
Musi­cal edit­ing, orig­i­nal score :
Nico­las Rombouts
Light design, tech­ni­cal coordination :
Elke Ver­achtert
Cos­tumes, stage design :
Sofie Durnez
Stage design assistance :
Tim Coenen
Sound tech­ni­cian :
Théo Jegat
Admin­is­tra­tion :
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Charleroi danse, Cndc – Angers dans le cadre du pro­gramme Accueil Stu­dio, KAAP, Per­podi­um, STUK, Divert, Nomad Dance Acad­e­my Slovenia
Res­i­den­cies :
work­space­brus­sels, BUDA
Sup­port­ed by :
Vlaamse Gemeen­schap­scom­missie, Life Long Burn­ing — Futures Lost and Found co-fund­ed by the Cre­ative Europe pro­gramme of the Euro­pean Union, tax shel­ter du gou­verne­ment fédéral belge via Cronos Invest
Pic­tures :
Tine Decler­ck