• 28—30.08.2023 20:30
Chapel, 15’

Bel­gian Première


Five women standing in a single row wipe their tear-drenched cheeks. Are they grieving or stunned by an incurable languor?

Whatever their motives, these women aren’t the sort to let themselves get caught up in this state! Gestures fly, hand shoots out, breaths swells. The energy pulses in a gradual acceleration accompanied by a controlled composition of implacable rigour. The unit constantly breaks up and re-forms. Leïla Ka’s ten minutes provide a metaphor for the way in which art can save us when we surrender to it.

Evening made of 3 short pieces (cf. Kernel and Vol)

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Leïla Ka
Per­for­mance :
Jade Log­mo, Zoé Lakhnati, Aïda Ben Has­sine, Mathilde Roussin, Leïla Ka
Pic­tures :
Nora Hougue­nade
Pro­duc­tion :
Com­pag­nie Leïla Ka
Sup­port­ed by :
Espace 1789, 104 — Paris
This work was award­ed a prize on 26 June 2022 in :
Danse Élargie
organ­ised by :
Théâtre de la Ville, la com­pag­nie ter­rain — Boris Char­matz, la Fon­da­tion d’entreprise Hermès, le CCN-Bal­let nation­al de Mar­seille — direc­tion (LA)HORDE et le Col­lec­tif FAIR‑E / CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne