• 01+02.09.2023 20:30
Chapel, 70’

Bel­gian Première


Meet the artists after the show on 01.09

The word “hasard” (random) comes from the Arabic word az-zahr, which refers to the game of dice.

Here, six protagonists are cast on the board, like the six sides of a die. Baffled at first, they cannot avoid collision and the unpredictability of encounters. The dice are cast, and combinations are endless.

But despite itself, chaos creates unexpected logics, structured ensembles, and gestures and forms contaminate one another. The principle of contagion and contrast organises the stage, underpinned by the breathless tempo of the soundtrack, the vibrant lighting and the fiery energy of the performers.

Pierre Rigal constructs this cavalcade like a free mathematics whose theorems give permission for fantasy, escape and uplift.

With :
Yohann Baran, Clara Bessard, Car­la Diego
replaced by :
Emma Rouaix, Camille Guil­laume, Mathilde Lin, Elie Tremblay
Con­cep­tion :
Pierre Rigal
Music :
Gwe­naël Drapeau
Light :
Frédéric Stoll
Artis­tic col­lab­o­ra­tion, dra­matur­gy, costumes :
Roy Gen­ty
Artis­tic col­lab­o­ra­tion, dramaturgy :
Mélanie Char­treux
Artis­tic col­lab­o­ra­tion, magic :
Antoine Ter­rieux
Tech­nic col­lab­o­ra­tion, light, sound :
George Dyson
Tech­ni­cal advice :
Visu­al System
Co-pro­duc­tion :
La Place de la danse CDCN Toulouse-Oci­tanie, Pôle Sud CDCN — Stras­bourg, La Passerelle scène nationale de Gap et des Alpes du Sud, Théâtre de Nîmes, Château Rouge — Annemasse, Théâtre Molière-Sète, scène nationale archipel de Thau, Tan­dem scène nationale Arras/​Douai, Théâtre de Poche Hédè-Bazouges
With the sup­port by :
Ville de Toulouse, Con­seil départe­men­tal de Haute-Garonne, ADA­MI, SPEDIDAM
Res­i­den­cies :
Théâtre Garonne — Toulouse, Le Ring — Toulouse, Le Phare — Ville de Tournefeuille
The Cie dernière minute is sup­port­ed by :
Direc­tion régionale des affaires cul­turelles Occ­i­tanie, de la Région Occ­i­tanie et de la Ville de Toulouse
Pic­tures :
© Vin­cent Beaume