• 22.02.2024 10:00—16:30

In French, intend­ed for per­form­ing arts professionals
Reg­is­tra­tion required through email : workshop@​brigittines.​be

https://rabbko.be/fr/news/same...This day dedicated to performing arts professionals addresses the key challenges of eco-design and hopes to offer participating actors the widest possible scope of specific measures within the sector. With this day, we aim to give voice to different ways of artistic creation that are less harmful to the environment and better suited to the city of Brussels, which is brimming with dynamic and exciting initiatives that can help us all together move towards a more sustainable culture.


10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.: Plenary session with the presentation of Samen Durable by Katrien Reist (RAB/BKO), Principes et pratiques de l’éco-conception by Lili Brodbeck (EventChange) and explanation of the afternoon's workshops run by In Limbo, Magazzino and la Souplothèque.

12.00 p.m. – 1.00 p.m.: Lunch offered by Mazette, cooperative Marolles-based brasserie.

1.00 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.: Pooling of all questions and challenges from the different participating entities.

1.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.: Workshops on eco-design involving Brussels-based players operating within that sector

4.30 p.m.: Closing address

Samen Durable

SamenDurable is a platform for information, exchange and cross-disciplinary cooperation on climate transition for and by cultural players within the Brussels region. With culture driving us towards a more just and sustainable society, SamenDurable wants to be a platform for anyone who is willing to do their bit.

SamenDurable is an initiative of the Brussels networks RAB/BKO, Brussels Museums and La Concertation and works in tandem with content partners EventChange and Pulse Transition Network.

Event Change

Eco-design is about coming full circle, life cycles, streamlining, adaptability and shared use. Fleshing this out inevitably involves human, technical and administrative talents that need to be considered within a concrete frame and across different disciplines.

EventChange aims to accelerate the sustainability of the French-speaking Belgian cultural sector by pooling the players and attaining the best possible solutions. To this end, the association develops good practice tools, training courses, a blog, workshops, an annual Sustainable Culture Forum and tailored guidance for cultural entities and events. Thanks to their collaboration with sector federations, EvenChange's team is surrounded by scientific experts and people on the ground.

Please book at workshop@brigittines.be

With :
the asso­ci­a­tion EventChange, Samen Durable, In Lim­bo, Mag­a­zz­i­no et La Souplothèque