• 18+19.08.2023 20:30
Chapel, 70’

Bel­gian Première


Meet the artists after the show on 18.08

In a vertiginous flow of variations and repetitions of trajectories, Made of Space is a composition of resonances and synchronicities where space is inhabited like a vortex of energy, a generating field wound around itself.

The hypnotic interaction between dancers unfolds organically, and tensions are sustained from start to finish. Pendular movements, undulatory swaying; bodies coil around a complex and precise mechanics like a flock of birds, each a solitary specimen or a loose arrangement of spiralling atoms.

Maria Campos and Guy Nader end a trilogy that began with Time takes Time and Set of Sets, which were presented in previous editions of the Festival.

Idea, con­cept :
GNMC Guy Nader⎮Maria Campos
Stage direc­tion :
Guy Nad­er, Maria Campos
Musi­cal composition :
Miguel Marín
Live music :
Daniel Munar­riz, Joan Pérez-Villegas
Cre­ation, performance :
Maxime Smeets, Patri­cia Hastewell, Noé Fer­ey, Maria Cam­pos, Héc­tor Plaza, Guy Nad­er (Alex De Vries), Ana­maria Klajnšček
Lights cre­ation :
Con­chi­ta Pons
Tech­nic direction :
Albert Glas
Sound direc­tion :
Jonatan Martínez
Scenog­ra­phy :
Cos­tumes :
Gabriela Lotaif
Artis­tic advice :
Alex­is Eupierre
Assis­tant to stage direction :
Clau­dia SolWat
Exec­u­tive production :
Clàu­dia Saez / La Destil·leria, Raqscene Inter­na­tion­al dis­tri­b­u­tion PLAN B — Cre­ative Agency for Per­form­ing Arts
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Mer­cat de les Flors (Cèl·lula project), Grec 2021 Fes­ti­val de Barcelona
With the sup­port of :
Sup­port BS Fun­dació, Depar­ta­men­to de Cul­tura — Gen­er­al­i­tat de Catalunya
In col­lab­o­ra­tion with :
Graner-cre­ation cen­tre, Cond­e­Duque Cen­tro de Cul­tura Contemporánea
As part of :
Pro­gramme d’in­ter­na­tion­al­i­sa­tion de la musique et des arts du spec­ta­cle espag­nols, 2023
Co-organ­ised by :
l’Instituto Cer­vantes et l’Inaem, min­istère espag­nol de la cul­ture et des sports. Plan de récupéra­tion, de trans­for­ma­tion et de résilience — financé par l’Union européenne — Nextgen​er​a​tion​.eu
Pho­tos :
© Alfred Mauve, Martí Albesa