• 22—24.02.2024 19:15
Mezzo, 30’

What remains of a sensation? Of an emotion or an encounter? Do our bodies retain a trace of it? On the surface or buried deep within? Or does everything that passes through us leave only an ephemeral imprint, like an echo that fades into the distance? In Marée haute, the body immerses itself into matter. Images surge, while movements and dances escape. In this intimate solo performance, Estelle Delcambre goes in search of her deepest memories and questions the traces we leave in the world.

In the framework of the event Ici commence la mer.

Con­cep­tion, performance :
Estelle Del­cam­bre
Sound design :
Tal Agam, Antonin De Bemels
Light cre­ation :
Meri Eko­la
Scenog­ra­phy :
Jean Louyest
Artis­tic advice :
Flo­rence Augendre
Copro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines
With the sup­port of :
Del­phine Hou­ba, Échevine de la Cul­ture de la Ville de Bruxelles
Stu­dio reception :
Pianofab­riek Kun­sten­werk­plaats, Théâtre Marni
Pho­tos :
© Rasa Alksnyte