• 16+17.08.2021 20:30
Chapel, 35’

Bel­gian première


Meet the artists after the show on 16.08

Incandescent and sharp, Harris Gkekas’ figure traces a path in which the surges and snags trace multiple mutations where the image of a “skin” doomed to burst like that of the reptile during its moult vibrates.

Focusing on the themes of resistance and transformation, the body unravels in unexpected twists and turns, punctuated by sudden accelerations and controlled disequilibrium. The virtuosity of the movement, the shimmering of the space, and the unfettered course of the movements draw up the portrait of a man made up of a thousand plateaus, an allusion borrowed from Deleuze and Guattari to describe the production of differences and modulations.

Evening made of 2 short pieces (with Morning Sun - Cie Sam-Hester/Perrine Valli).

Con­cept, performance :
Har­ris Gkekas
Scenog­ra­phy, lighting :
Gabriel F
Sound sys­tem :
Didi­er Ambact
Pro­duc­tion :
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Pôle Sud — Cen­tre de Développe­ment Choré­graphique Nation­al-Stras­bourg, Les Sub­sis­tances Lab­o­ra­toire Inter­na­tion­al de créa­tion artis­tique — Lyon, KLAP Mai­son pour la danse — Marseille
With the sup­port of :
la Drac Auvergne Rhône Alpes
Accom­pa­nied by :
le Réseau Grand Luxe
Thanks to :
CND à Lyon
Pic­tures :
Strates, Agnès Mellon