• 23—27.04.2024 19:00
Mezzo, 50’

Text in French

Meet the artist after the show on 26.04

Together with her fellow performers, Louise Baduel manages to orchestrate performances full of poetry and humour, in a mixture of dance, music, theatre, performance and visual arts. After Loop Affect, she is back with Soleil Constant, with the same performers and the same mixed genres, that shines the spotlight on our inconsistencies and our contradictions when it comes to ecology. Using movement, text and textiles, she creates a colourful, visual world that simultaneously evokes the power of nature and the artificiality of our lifestyles.

Can we transcend fatalism and its logical consequence in the form of ecological laxity and replace it with optimism and collective initiative? Straddling fiction and reality, Louise Baduel and Pascale Gigon mockingly turn our habits upside, rightly so.

At 20.45, in the Chapelle, the show Up Close! by the Cie Michèle Noiret will be presented. Combined ticket available.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Louise Badu­el
Per­for­mance :
Louise Badu­el, Pas­cale Gigon
Text :
col­lec­tive writ­ing, with the invalu­able help of Sébastien Fayard, Léa Zil­ber and Dona­tien de le Court
Voice over :
Léa Zil­ber
Cos­tumes creator :
Leslie Fer­ré
Scenog­ra­phy :
Dona­tien de le Court
Music :
Marc Mélia
Light :
Meri Eko­la
Pro­duc­tion :
in the move for love asbl
Copro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Charleroi danse
With the sup­port of :
Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles Ser­vice de la Danse, LA SERRE Mon­tréal, Garage29, Le 140, Mate­ri­ais Diver­sos Lis­bonne, Le Delta, WB
Accom­pa­nied by :
Grand Stu­dio
Pho­to :
Pierre-Philipe Hof­mann