• 27.08.2018 20:30
Chapel, 75’

Meet the artist after the show on 27.08

To make a mockery of the mould of conventional masculinity, there is nothing like forming a quartet of musicians from the Alps who practice folkloric dance. And to do so with yodels, claps on the thighs, kicking up heels, square dances, songs, and village costumes. We are in the Tyrol, but we are everywhere.

And gradually, everything is deconstructed, laid bare; humour ravages stereotypes, and the four men show their delirium behind codes and ritual practices. A pleasure of another order shakes up our sensations: a rhythm, a thirst, an insistence drive the scenes and music.
The universe of Simon Mayer is peppered with a natural, sharp incongruity.

Idea, chore­og­ra­phy, per­for­mance, music :
Simon May­er
Co-cre­ation, per­for­mance, music :
Mat­teo Haitz­mann, Patric Redl, Manuel Wagner
Spe­cial instruments :
Hans Tschir­itsch
Stage and cos­tume design :
Andrea Sime­on
Light :
Mar­tin Walitza
Tech­ni­cal director :
Jan Maria Lukas
Light tech­ni­cian on tour :
Sve­ta Schwin
Artis­tic consultant :
Frans Poel­stra
Pro­duc­tion creation :
Sophie Schmeis­er, Elis­a­beth Hirner
Tour­ing production :
Hiros & Kopf Hoch
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Kopf hoch, brut Wien, Gess­ner­allee Zurich, zeitraumex­it Mannheim and Tanz ist Dornbirn
With the kind sup­port of :
The City of Vienna’s Depart­ment of Cul­tur­al Affairs, the Arts Divi­sion and the Cul­ture Divi­sion of the Fed­er­al Chan­cellery of Aus­tria, Kul­tur­land Oberösterreich, Vlaamse Gemeen­schap, Kun­sten­werk­plaats Pianofab­riek, WP Zim­mer, im_​flieger, Kun­st- und Kul­turvere­in SPIEL
Thanks to :
Simon Zöchbauer, Julian Rubisch, ALMA (Mar­lene Lach­er­stor­fer, Julia Lach­er­stor­fer, Eve­lyn Mair, Marie-Therese Stick­ler), Godi Burgstaller, Chris Stand­fest, Andrea Amort, Munderfin­ger Goaßlschnalz­er, Altstädter Bauerng­moa, Pram­taler Volk­stanz­gruppe, Elio Gervasi/​Raum 33