• 25+26.08.2023 20:30
Chapel, 60’


Meet the artist after the show on 25.08

Nothing makes a mockery of the mould of conventional masculinity better than a quartet of folk-dancing musicians from the Alps. With yodelling, thigh-slapping, heel-stomping, quadrilles, village songs and customs. This is Tyrol, but it’s everywhere.

Progressively, everything is dismantled and stripped bare, humour devastates stereotypes, as the four protagonists expose the delirium that lies behind ritual codes and practices. A different form of pleasure overwhelms our senses: rhythm, thirst and insistence infuse the scenes and the music. Simon Mayer’s world is peppered with a natural incongruity that blows you away.

Artis­tic direc­tion, choreograpy :
Simon May­er
Per­for­mance, music :
Simon May­er, Mat­teo Haitz­mann, Patric Redl, Simon Wehrli
Instru­ments :
Hans Tschir­itsch
Stage design, costumes :
Andrea Sime­on
Light design :
Mar­tin Walitza
Light on tour :
Sve­ta Schwin
Tech­ni­cal direction :
Jeroen Smith
Artis­tic advice :
Frans Poel­stra
Pic­tures :
Hannes Buchinger
Pro­duc­tion :
Sophie Schmeis­er, Elis­a­beth Hirn­er / Kopf Hoch
Pro­duc­tion, tour manager :
Lisa Anets­mann / Art in Motion
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Kopf hoch, brut Wien, Gess­ner­allee Zürich, zeitraumex­it Mannheim and Tanz ist Dornbirn
Sup­port­ed by :
Öster­re­ichis­ches Kul­tur­fo­rum Brüs­sel, Kul­tur­abteilung der Stadt Wien, des Bun­deskan­zler­amts Österreich Kun­st und Kul­tur, Kul­tur­land Oberösterreich, Vlaamse Gemeen­schap, Kun­sten­weerk­plaats Pianofab­riek Brüssel, WP Zim­mer Antwer­pen, im_​flieger and Kun­st- und Kul­turvere­in SPIEL, Öster­re­ichis­ches Kul­tur­fo­rum Brüssel