• 25+26.08.2023 19:00
Mezzo, 50’

Bel­gian Première


Text in French

Three motionless, impassive figures observe us, commenting on the things they are supposed to see. Yet their lips don’t move, and their bodies gradually come together, creating a very real sensation of presence, while ventriloquism grips us by the throat.

W̶E̶L̶COME does indeed “welcome’, but it also confuses us through the ambiguous dissociation or dialogue between voice and body, between the hilarity of the text that goes wild and crazy and the ever-subtle withdrawal of the three performers. Joachim Maudet plays on these contrasts to take the emotion into new, out-of-sync spaces, much as we sometimes are deep down inside.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Joachim Maudet
Per­for­mance :
Pauline Big­ot, Sophie Lèbre, Joachim Maudet
Light design :
Nico­las Galland
Sound design :
Julien Lafos­se
Light on tour :
Brice Hel­bert
Sound on tour :
Julien Lafos­se
Out­side eye :
Chloe Zam­boni, Yan­nick Hugron
Voice accom­pa­ni­ment :
Pierre Derycke
Admin­is­tra­tion, distribution :
Char­lotte Can­cé – Bureau AOZA
Pic­tures :
Fes­ti­val Parallèle — Mar­gaux Ven­das­si & Christophe Tonnerre
Pro­duc­tion :
Com­pag­nie Les Vagues
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Le Tri­an­gle — Cité de la danse — Rennes, KLAP — Mai­son pour la danse — Mar­seille, Les Petites Scènes Ouvertes, Danse à tous les étages — Rennes, Le Théâtre de Vanves, Le Théâtre de l’Arsenal — Val- de-Reuil, CCN de Ril­lieux-La- Pape
Stu­dio facilities :
Théâtre du Colom­bier — Bag­no­let, Hon­olu­lu — Nantes, Le Danc­ing — Val de Reuil
Sup­port­ed by :
DRAC Bre­tagne Région Bre­tagne Rennes Métropole