• 21.10.2021 21:00
  • 22+23.10.2021 20:30
Chapel, 60’

Pres­ence of text in French
Meet the artists after the show on 21.10

Pol­i­tics of Worst and Hope

Galvanized by the statements made by the philosopher Alain Deneault on Radio-Canada about tax evasions, Alix Dufresne and Marc Béland rise up in a virulent and playful choreography, interspersed with hints of pamphlet-speak.

The soundbites are accompanied by rushed, absurd and insane gymnastic dance to get the spectator feel the consequences of a perverse system that is leaving no one untouched. In the guise of astute and insightful clowns, Alix Dufresne and Daniel Parent, who here takes over Marc Béland's role, mischievously translate the citizens’ anger and powerlessness towards that immense, lawful deception of tax havens and of governments that do not assume their responsibilities and have fallen prey to a handful of oligarchs who are masters of trickery and scams.


The performance takes place within the framework of the themed evenings Politics of Worst and Hope. Les Brigittines will be presenting four original and incisive performances around highly topical themes of today.

See also:

Possibility to buy a combi-ticket with the show Pleasant Island.

A cre­ation from :
Alix Dufresne + Marc Béland
Con­cept, performance :
Alix Dufresne, Daniel Parent
Artis­tic advices :
Sophie Cor­riveau
Dra­matur­gy :
Andréanne Roy
Sound com­po­si­tion :
Larsen Lupin
Cos­tumes, stage design :
Odile Gamache
Light design :
Cédric Delorme-Bouchard
Tech­ni­cal direc­tion, stage :
Seoy­oung Park
Pro­duc­tion :
Alix Dufresne + Marc Béland
Exec­u­tive pro­duc­tion (cre­ation) :
LA SERRE – arts vivants
Exec­u­tive pro­duc­tion (dis­tri­b­u­tion), development :
DLD – Daniel Léveillé Danse
Cre­ation residencies :
Car­refour cul­turel de Notre-Dame-des- Prairies (Montréal), Com­pag­nie Marie Chouinard (Montréal), Fes­ti­val Quartiers Dans­es (Montréal), Kun­sten­cen­trum BUDA (Cour­trai), Les Brigit­tines, Mai­son de la cul­ture du Plateau-Mont-Roy­al (Montréal), Théâtre du Marais (Val- Morin)
Sup­port­ed by :
Con­seil des arts du Cana­da, Con­seil des arts et des let­tres du Québec, Con­seil des arts de Montréal
Pic­tures :
Xavier Lal­ib­erté