• 22+23.10.2021 22:00
Chapel, 80’

For a lim­it­ed audi­ence, divid­ed into small groups, in the friend­ly atmos­phere of the Chapel.

In French or in Dutch, free admis­sion, reser­va­tion required.

Pol­i­tics of Worst and Hope

In the form of a collective and participatory card draw, the laboratoire sauvage Désorceler la finance challenges us to chase evil entities out of tax havens to imagine new havens, and invites citizens to regain control of financial mechanisms.

Re-open the Horizons, Leave Tax Havens acts, much like fortune-telling, as a conversational tool where each of the cards drawn is subject to the reading and interpretation of its audience. With the help of the masters of ceremony, we also need to conduct our own investigation to shed light on what is best kept in the shadows.

The experience is for everyone, and no prior knowledge of tax havens is required. Only the desire to exchange ideas and set your imagination free.


The performance takes place within the framework of the themed evenings Politics of Worst and Hope. Les Brigittines will be presenting four original and incisive performances around highly topical themes of today.

See also:
- Courir les yeux fermés au bord d'un ravin from Éléonore Valère-Lachky
- Hidden Paradise from Alix Dufresne + Marc Béland
- Pleasant Island from Silke Huysmans & Hannes Dereere

A project by the :
Lab­o­ra­toire sauvage de recherch­es expéri­men­tales Désor­cel­er la finance
Pro­duc­tion :
Désor­cel­er la finance
Sup­port­ed by :
la Fédéra­tion Wallonie-Bruxelles
Pic­ture :
Max Mol­lon