• 11+12.05.2023 18:30
  • 13.05.2023 22:00
  • 14.05.2023 15:00, 20:30
  • 15.05.2023 19:30
Mezzo, 45’


dance / performance

A fishing net hangs from the ceiling, as if we are immersed in an underwater atmosphere. It’s in this suspended state that several attempts at braiding my way home begins. Time is a central dimension. Alone on stage, Adam Seid Tahir starts to slowly untie the braids of their hair, before delivering a choreography of rare power: eyelids wide open, pupils rolling, a stank face (facial expression with roots in Afro-American funk music), fingertips gliding through the air and a shaking body. It is a ferocious yet precise rhythm, like signals travelling underwater in the ocean. Adam and Amina Seid Tahir are siblings of Swedish/Eritrean heritage. Amina is a choreographer and visual artist while Adam is a choreographer, dancer and web developer. Together they have created this performance of unusual generosity and depth. Offering a space of underwater echoes and exchanges between components of their identities. The woven, Swedish fishing nets and the Eritrean practice of braided hair are intertwined to create an Afro-Nordic folklore, a new landscape wherein opportunities for recovery and belonging can be found. The pair builds a house to dance in, an extended sea to swim in. We might imagine listening to walruses, who apparently rely on their fur for navigation. An unmissable debut!

Pre­sen­ta­tion :
Kun­sten­fes­ti­valde­sarts, Les Brigittines
Chore­o­g­ra­phers :
Ami­na Seid Tahir & Adam Seid Tahir
Ini­ti­at­ed and per­formed by :
Adam Seid Tahir
Dra­maturg :
Lydia Öst­berg Diakité
Music :
Hair-cos­tume :
Mal­colm Marquez
Cos­tume :
Ami­na Seid Tahir
Lights :
Jonatan Win­bo
Tour pro­duc­ers :
Jon­son & Bergsmark
Sup­port­ed by :
Kul­tur­rådet, Helge Ax:son John­sons stif­telse, MARC, Rik­steater­ns Pro­duk­tion­sres­i­dens för dans 2021
Foto’s :
© Ami­na Said Tahir, Bene­dicte Ramfjord