• 24.03.2022 19:15
  • 25+26.03.2022 19:00
Mezzo, 60’

With­in the frame­work of Brus­sels, dance !

Ikue Nakagawa is a dancer, actor and illustrator. For each of her pieces, it is the initial impulse of the drawing that gives rise to movement and scenography. TAMANEGI means "onion" in Japanese. This is what she seemed to draw while - surrounded by her family - she was mourning the death of her father. The onion, as if it represents the family relationships, with a common root and the many layers protecting the young heart. Much like the skin of an onion, our skin grows thinner as we grow older. Based on this metaphor, a choreographic and plastic solo was born, in which she was surrounded by life-size effigies. In the tradition of her previous piece Nakami, this creation is imagined as a strange... yet familiar constellation.

Con­cep­tion, chore­og­ra­phy, performance :
Ikue Nak­a­gawa
Dra­matur­gy collaboration :
Loren­zo De Angelis
Light :
Octavio Mas
Sceno­graph­ic construction :
Val Macé
Music :
Patrick Bel­mont
Out­side eye :
Masako Hat­tori
Pro­duc­tion, distribution :
Arts Man­age­ment Agency/​AMA — France Morin, Cécile Per­ri­chon, Anna Six
Copro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Charleroi danse, C‑TAKT, Le Vivat, La Place de la Danse — CDCN Toulouse/​Occ­i­tanie
With the sup­port of :
Fédéra­tion Wallonie-Bruxelles
Res­i­den­cies :
Le BAMP, La Bel­lone, La Bri­que­terie — CDCN Val-de-Marne, Cen­tre Choré­graphique Nation­al de Roubaix / Bal­let du Nord, 1×2×3
Pic­tures :
Ikue Nak­a­gawa