• 18—19, 23.05.2017 17:00—22:00
  • 20—21, 24—27.05.2017 12:00—22:00
Chapel, 30’

Per­for­mance — Berlin/​Brussels

With­in the con­text of the Kunstenfestivaldesarts

Get talking! In Voicing Pieces, Begüm Erciyas explores the political and poetic power of the act of speaking. In the intimacy of a soundproof booth, we discover a script whose words have to be deciphered out loud. Alone with the text, we become the audience of our own performance. The simple act of read while hearing yourself speak is turned into a theatrical and choreographic experience. Our voices become detached from our bodies. It becomes a tool of action, a surprise, a show. As if endowed with autonomous will, it plays with us as much as we play with it. Don’t our voices always seem strange and inauthentic to us? Voicing Pieces invites us to discover and accept the stranger in us. A liberating experience.

Real­isatie :
Begüm Erciyas, Matthias Meppelink
Dra­matur­gy :
Marnix Rum­mens
Live-oper­a­tion :
Christophe Alber­ti­jn, Julia Krause, Begüm Erciyas
Text :
Matthias Mep­pelink, Begüm Erciyas, Jacob Wren
Set real­iza­tion :
Tim Van­hen­ten­ryk, Lena Buch­wald, Bar­bara Greiner
Artis­tic collaboration :
Jean-Bap­tiste Veyret-Logerias
Pro­duc­tion man­age­ment & PR :
Bar­bara Greiner
Pre­sen­ta­tion :
Kun­sten­fes­ti­valde­sarts, Les Brigittines
Pro­duc­tion :
Begüm Erciyas, Plat­form 0090
Co-pro­duc­tion :
wpZ­im­mer (Antwerp), STUK (Leu­ven), Tanz­fab­rik Berlin/​Tanznacht Berlin
Research support/​residency :
Kun­sten­cen­trum BUDA (Kor­trijk), Q‑O2 Work­space for exper­i­men­tal music and sound art (Brus­sels), Frank­furt­LAB, Tanzrecherche NRW, Goethe-Insti­tut Vil­la Kamogawa
Sup­port­ed by :
Haupt­stadtkul­tur­fonds Berlin, NPN Inter­na­tion­al Tour­ing Fund
Pic­ture :
Begüm Erciyas