• 08+09.03.2018 20:30
  • 10.03.2018 19:00
Chapel, 60’

Meet the artist after the show on 09.03


I remember just one sentence from my childhood: you live alone on a small piece of land, on an island called a kibbutz, in the middle of an ocean of land... My creative approach very much revolves around that feeling, which I constantly try to evoke again, to reconnect with something that happened to me then but that I never fully understood.” Meytal Blanaru

Scientists have discovered that the details of a memory are changed every time we play them back in our minds. What if we were just a collection of fleeting moments? How can we refer to the past to define who we are, if we cannot trust our memories? A bare stage set in the centre of a lit space, with the audience sitting around it. Nearby, three dancers and a musician. Relying solely on the expressiveness of their body and instrument, on their physicality and their commitment, together, they try to create a landscape, the landscape of a memory...

Con­cept and choreography :
Mey­tal Blanaru
Cre­ation and performance :
Ido Batash, Gabriela Ceceña, Mey­tal Blanaru
Live music :
Ben­jamin Sauzereau
Dra­matur­gi­cal advices :
Olivi­er Hespel
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, La Bri­que­terie — CDCN du Val-de-Marne, Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vit­ry-sur-Seine, A‑CDCN (Art Danse — CDCN Dijon Bour­gogne, La Bri­que­terie — CDCN du Val-deMarne, La Man­u­fac­ture — CDCN, Le Gym­nase / CDCN, Le Paci­fique – CDCN Greno­ble-Auvergne Rhône-Alpe, CDCN Ate­lier de Paris, Pôle Sud — CDCN Stras­bourg, La place de la danse CDCN Toulouse — Occ­i­tanie, La Mai­son CDCN Uzès Gard Occ­i­tanie, L’Echangeur — CDCN, Les Hiver­nales — CDCN, Tou­ka Danse CDCN Guyane)
With the sup­port of :
Wol­u­bilis, Dan­sCen­trum­Jette, Garage 29, Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles — Ser­vice de la Danse
Exec­u­tive production :
La Bri­que­terie — CDCN du Val-de-Marne
Pic­ture :
Leif Firn­hab­er Pinós