• 07—09.03.2024 19:15
Mezzo, 50’

Without pretence, Solène Wachter has set up her stage in front of two opposite rows of spectators. Her two-fronted set-up reveals the duality of her choreography which reverses the reading of the piece according to the position of each spectator, sometimes in the shadows, sometimes under the harsh lights. Space and action shift and fluctuate between the explosive energy borrowed from pop concerts and the precise movements executed by the technical teams in the backstage.

From this light-hearted mise en abîme of live performance, Solène Wachter has created a series of pivoting mirror spaces that reach a crescendo, delivering a multi-faceted, ground-breaking, and mind-opening performance.

This is an astonishing first solo by a young Brussels-based choreographer who is already making a name for herself.

Chore­og­ra­phy, performance :
Solène Wachter
Out­side eyes :
Né́mo Flouret, Bryana Fritz, Georges Lab­bat, Mar­gari­da Mar­ques Ramalhete
Cos­tume design :
Car­les Urra­ca Serra
Light design :
Max Adams
Light on stage :
Matthieu Mar­ques
Tech­ni­cian on stage, sound creation :
Rémy Ebras
Sound cre­ation assistance :
Olivi­er Renouf, Milan Van Doren
Pro­duc­tion, distribution :
Mar­gaux Roy
Admin­is­tra­tion :
Flo­rence Péaron
Pro­duc­tion :
Bleu Print­emps
Co-pro­duc­tion :
La Bri­que­terie — CDCN du Val-de-Marne, Charleroi danse, Tra­verse — Bagnères de Big­orre, Le Parvis — Scèné Nationale de Tarbes, CCNO – Cen­tre chorégraphique nation­al d’Orléans
Sup­port­ed by :
Mairie d’Orléans, CCNO — Cen­tre chorégraphique nation­al d’Orléans, dans le cadre du com­pagnon­nage de Bleu Printemps
Pic­tures :
Thomas Hen­nequin