• 14—16.03.2024 19:15
Mezzo, 60’

Mallarmé’s L'après-midi d'un faune, its musical interpretation by Debussy, and its erotic rendition by Nijinsky: three masculine expressions shaping the mythological and carnal figure of the Nymph. To reappropriate this figure, Lara Barsacq and her partner Marta Capaccioli have revisited the history of dance, deconstructing it into significant postures to produce a distinctive piece driven by biographical, feminist, and queer considerations.

Choreography, video, song, testimony, La Grande Nymphe mixes different registers. The result is a non-equivocal and fascinatingly fluid performance, free from the dictates of fixed sexuality. The aesthetic of these free bodies explodes, and a new imagery emerges. Happy. Salvatory.

A project by :
Lara Barsacq
Cre­ation, performance :
Mar­ta Capac­ci­oli, Lara Barsacq, Cate Hortl, Léonore Fromm­let, Wany­ing Emi­lie Koang, Alyssia Hondekijn
Orig­i­nal music :
Cate Hortl
Stage design, costumes :
Sofie Durnez
Light design :
Estelle Gau­ti­er
Artis­tic advices :
Gaël San­tis­te­va
Video :
Gaël San­tis­te­va, Lara Barsacq
Video ani­ma­tion :
Katia Lecomte Mirsky
Music :
Claude Debussy
Stage man­age­ment :
Emma Laroche
Sound engi­neer :
Sam­my Bichon
Admin­is­tra­tion, production :
Myr­i­am Chekhemani
Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, distribution :
Quentin Legrand — Rue Branly
Pro­duc­tion :
Gilbert & Stock
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Kun­sten­fes­ti­valde­sarts, Charleroi danse — Cen­tre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, Théâtre de Liège, Les Brigit­tines, CCN de Caen en Nor­mandie, CCN2 — Cen­tre Chorégraphique Nation­al de Greno­ble dans le cadre de l’Accueil- studio
Res­i­den­cy :
Grand Stu­dio
Sup­port­ed by :
Fédération Wal­lonie-Brux­elles — Ser­vice de la danse
With the kind par­tic­i­pa­tion of :
Madame Coralie Cadèné, head of cos­tume design at the Opéra nation­al de Paris
Pic­tures :
Sybille Cor­net