• 30+31.08.2019 20:30
Chapel, 50’

Meet the artists after the show on 30.08

Bel­gium Première

An ice flow and, side by side, five dancers with an intense and magnetic presence.
Are they the subject of a study, a mirror of humanity? They expose themselves to the gaze as if pushed by the mechanics of walking and a circularity of movement that they never stop, they attest to emotions, incarnations, and representations of the self. It passes through them while keeping feelings at a distance, but the bodies, steps, and movements gradually become unsettled and lead to the release of strengths.

Here Catherine Gaudet delivers a clear and incantatory work that highlights a very current state of the body, evoking the state of a fragmented world: disturbing, attractive, on hold, in fear, tense, open...

Cre­ation :
Cather­ine Gaudet
With :
Car­o­line Grav­el, Jean-Benoit Labrecque, Leïla Mail­ly, James Phillips, Simon Renaud
Music :
Antoine Berthi­aume
Dra­matur­gy assis­tant, rehearsal director :
Sophie Michaud
Tech­ni­cal director :
Olivi­er Chopinet
Light­ing :
Alexan­dre Pilon-Guay
Cos­tumes :
Max-Otto Fau­teux
Pro­duc­tion :
Exec­u­tive production :
DLD — Daniel Léveil­lé Danse
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Ago­ra de la danse (Mon­tréal), Cen­tre choré­graphique nation­al de Tours (CCNT)
Res­i­den­cies :
Ago­ra de la danse (Mon­tréal), Cen­tre choré­graphique nation­al de Tours (CCNT), Cen­tre de Créa­tion O Ver­ti­go — CCOV (Mon­tréal), Com­pag­nie Marie Chouinard (Mon­tréal), Danse à la carte (Mon­tréal), École de danse Louise Lapierre (Mon­tréal), Mai­son de la cul­ture Fron­tenac (Mon­tréal)
Sup­port­ed by :
Con­seil des arts et des let­tres du Québec, Con­seil des arts du Cana­da, Con­seil des arts de Mon­tréal — Cather­ine Gaudet est mem­bre de Cir­cuit-Est cen­tre chorégraphique
Devel­op­ment :
DLD — Daniel Léveil­lé Danse
Pic­tures :
Math­ieu Doyon