• 01+02.09.2017 20:30
Chapel, 55’


Meet the artists after the show on 01.09

Behind a projection screen showing them filmed from above, eight dancers compose fascinating figures evoking sixties films’ synchronised swimming and Busby Berkeley’s first motion pictures in the thirties.

Other visions quickly appear, more ghostly and spectral, organised like a kaleidoscope of apparitions where bodies form a unique whole, a moving octopus whose mouth swallows the eye of the spectator.

Our unavoidable and inescapable voyeurism turns onto itself: although the nudity of the scene is powerfully affirmed, it is also disembodied by the video treatment, where toppled perspectives and the confusion between what we see on stage and what appears on screen, the body disappears in its own representation and the night erases day.

Keren Levi awakens imagination and its faculty to mesmerise reality.

Chore­og­ra­phy and concept :
Keren Levi
Dance and choreography :
Mari Matre Larsen / Alma Lin­den­hovius, Karin Frankel, Eva Suso­va, Hillary Blake Fire­stone / Car­com She er, Made­lyn Bullard, Alice Pons, Ali­cia Verdú Macián, Maya Tamir
Music :
Tom Parkin­son
Light :
Min­na Tiikkainen
Video :
Assi Weitz
Dra­matur­gy :
Igor Dobričić
Tech­nique :
Mar­tin Kaf­farnik, Assi Weitz
Pic­ture :
Daan Brand
Pro­duc­tion :
Sticht­ing NeverLike
Sup­port­ed by :
Fonds Podi­umkun­sten, Ams­ter­dam Art Fund (AFK), VSB­fonds, Jul­i­dans Fes­ti­val, The­ater de Meer­vaart Amsterdam
Pic­ture :
© Anna van Kooij