• 17+18.08.2018 20:30—21:30
Chapel, 60’

Meet the artist after the show on 17.08

Bel­gium Première

The reference to the Titans, the ancestors of the gods of Olympus plunged in an instant into oblivion, sets the tone for the vanity of the ambition of embodying grandiose models, powerful figures who are not subject to the irony of the real.

Between burlesque and bizarre, Euripides Laskaridis portrays an unpredictable and exuberant being, neither man nor woman or transgender, but everything all at once, seconded by a busy partner whose face we never see.
He discusses in a metaphysical jumble, which he masters as much as it escapes him, and joyously mixes genres and registers. The stage becomes a place of invention and freedom, a sort of celestial arena where anything can happen, a theatre of the absurd and of transformation as magnificent as a palace of dreams.

Direc­tion, chore­og­ra­phy, set design :
Euripi­des Laskaridis
Per­form­ers :
Euripi­des Laskaridis, Dim­itris Matsoukas
Cos­tumes :
Ange­los Mendis
Orig­i­nal music, sound design :
Gior­gos Poulios
Pro­gram­ming, sound design, live music operator :
Themis­to­cles Pandelopoulos
Sound instal­la­tion, live music operator :
Nikos Kol­lias, Kostis Pavlopoulos
Light­ing designer :
Eliza Alexan­dropoulou
Lights instal­la­tion :
Kon­stan­ti­nos Margkas, Gior­gos Melissaropoulos
Dra­matur­gy consultant :
Alexan­dros Mistriotis
Artis­tic collaborators :
Drosos Sko­tis, Dio­ge­nis Skalt­sas, Thanos Lekkas, Nikos Dragonas
Assis­tants to the directors :
Dim­itris Triandafyl­lou, Paraske­vi Lypimenou
Assis­tant to the set, cos­tume designer :
Ioan­na Plessa
Assis­tant to the set on tour :
Tzel­la Christopoulou
Pro­duc­tion assis­tants, trainees :
Samuel Esteves Queri­do, Lisan­dra Caires
Pro­duc­tion co-ordinator :
Elis­a­beth Tsouchtidi
Pro­duc­tion manager :
Maria Dourou
With the sup­port of :
Fon­da­tion d’entreprise Hermès
In col­lab­o­ra­tion with :
EdM Pro­duc­tions & Rial & Eshelman
With­in the frame­work of :
New Set­tings program
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Athens and Epi­dau­rus Fes­ti­val, Théâtre de la Ville, Eleu­sis 2021 Euro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture, Fes­ti­val TransAmériques, Jul­i­dans Ams­ter­dam, Megaron — The Athens Con­cert Hall, CCVF Guimaraes, OSMO­SIS Per­form­ing Arts Co
With the sup­port of :
O Espaço do Tem­po, NEON Orga­ni­za­tion for Cul­ture and Devel­op­ment, Cen­tre Cul­turel Hel­lenique, Isado­ra & Ray­mond Dun­can Dance Research Centre
Pic­tures :
Julian Mom­mert, Eli­na Giounanli