The neighbourhood

Les Brigittines is nestled in the heart of Les Marolles, a historic district in the centre of Brussels. This cosmopolitan and lively neighbourhood encompasses a wide variety of realities, thus forming a heterogeneous and unique community.
Through specific activities organised in collaboration with the inhabitants of the Marolles, Les Brigittines open the Chapel's doors to group creations.
Beyond these activities, Les Brigittines also offers associations the possibility of setting up their activities on the premises. The Aquarium and the Akarova Garden are two facilities allocated to associations that work on diversifying the activities carried out in the neighbourhood.
Pass Cultuur Marolles

This new Pass Cultuur Marolles, formerly known as the Carte Culture Voisin, allows visitors to the Marolles neighbourhood to enjoy preferential rates at all participating partners, namely Art et marges musée, the Jewish Museum, the Centre Culturel Bruegel, les Tanneurs and Espace Magh. So don't forget to apply for your card at one of these establishments, at the Brigittines or on the website
L'Aquarium is a space on the ground floor of the artists' accommodation on rue des Visitandines. It is currently used by an association that offers social activities involving the neighbourhood, the ASBL Axoso.

Since 2017, the ASBL l'Axoso has occupied the Aquarium.
AXOSO’s core mission is to develop experimental music projects involving young, amateur and/or underprivileged music enthusiasts, and to give them a platform. It has been building string and plucked instruments from recycled materials and during a weekly workshop, electronic instruments are given a new lease of life.
Apart from already well-established projects, such as the Orchestre Sauvage de Belgique
involving young people from the Marolles district and GAML, a
metallophone ensemble on pots and pans, AXOSO gives numerous initiatory
workshops for youth centres, schools and cultural centres.
For more information, please visit
Jardin Akarova

The Jardin Akarova is a green space situated next to the artists' accommodation along the Rue des Visitandines. It is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm. For the past several years, the Jardin Akarova has played host to various initiatives undertaken by residents, groups, and associations: planting, maintenance of the vegetable gardens and compost, use of the bread oven, etc.