• 31.08, 01.09.2018 20:30
Chapel, 60’

Meet the artists after the show on 31.08

With hygienic buns and clinically shaven skulls, five experts subject themselves, seriously and without laughter, to a series of experiments on current behaviours. They adopt a succession of conduct that seems to ease tension with a pseudo-scientific logic: acting out, power games, addictions, perverse behaviours, glamorous excesses, liberated urges and sad passions.

Nine tests give the show its tempo. Little by little a more political but more unbelievable point of view emerges from these private dissonances. Isn't everything linked, from private excesses to the fate of societies?
Nicole Mossoux and Patrick Bonté display a fantasmatic reading of the contemporary universe, combining it with an ironic look at its impasses and illusions.

Con­cep­tion, texts :
Patrick Bon­té
Direc­tion, choreography :
Patrick Bon­té
in col­lab­o­ra­tion with :
Nicole Mossoux
Per­for­mance :
Harold Hen­ning, Sébastien Jacobs, Leslie Man­nès, Frauke Mar­iën, Max­ence Rey
Orig­i­nal music :
Thomas Turine
Stage design :
Didi­er Payen
Cos­tume :
Colette Huchard
Cos­tume assistance :
Camille Fla­haux
Hair­dress­ing, wigs :
Rebec­ca Flores-Martinez
Light :
Patrick Bon­té
Real­i­sa­tion assistance :
Julie Gold­steinas
Trans­la­tion, adaptation :
Oon­agh Duckworth
Tech­ni­cal direction :
Jean-Jacques Deneu­mousti­er
Sound tech­n­cian :
Éric Ron­sse
Light tech­ni­cian :
Nico­las Thill
Pro­duc­tion :
Com­pag­nie Mossoux-Bonté
Co-pro­duc­tion :
La Rose des Vents (Scène Nationale Lille Métro­pole Vil­leneuve d’Ascq), Les Brigittines
With the sup­port of :
Le Phare (Cen­tre Choré­graphique Nation­al du Havre et de Haute Nor­mandie), Théâtre Paul Elu­ard (Scène Con­ven­tion­née — Bezons), DSN (Scène Nationale de Dieppe), Théâtre de Châtil­lon, Bien­nale de Danse du Val-de-Marne (CDC La Briqueterie)
Pic­tures :
Thibault Gré­goire