• 20+21.08.2018 20:30
Chapel, 60’

Meet the artists after the show on 20.08

Bel­gium Première

Everything is disconcerting in this show in which a man experiences his death and penetrates into the mystery of existence: the refined and ironic Maestra of movement, the strength of the confined space, song, lethargy and velocity, density of concentration, the blend of atmospheres, etc.

Oskara is the outcome of a meeting between Marcos Morau, choreographer for the La Veronal collective, and the Kukai Dantza company, which works from traditional Basque dance. The union of these two visions creates a singular universe navigating between the popular roots of dance and its most contemporary expression.
Surprising flashes of images continually feed the gaze and create a suspended fascination.

Project direc­tor :
Jon Maya Sein
Con­cep­tion, direction :
Mar­cos Morau
Chore­o­grap­gy assistance :
Lore­na Nogal, Mari­na Rodriguez
Dra­matur­gy :
Pablo Gis­bert
Dansers :
Alain Maya, Eneko Gil, Ibon Huarte, Martx­el Rodríguez, Urko Mitxelena
Singer :
Julien Achiary
Singer :
Thier­ry Biscary
Cos­tume :
Ira­ia Oiartzabal
Music cre­ation :
Xabier Erk­izia, Pablo Gisbert
Inter­na­tion­al rela­tion­ships, tour manager :
AGENTE129 AnSó. Raybaut-Pérès
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Vic­to­ria Euge­nia Antzokia (The­ater from San Sebas­t­ian), Scène Nationale du Sud-Aquitain, San Sebas­t­ian Euro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture 2016
With the sup­port of :
Eusko Jau­rlar­itza, Errente­ri­ako Udala, Etx­e­pare, Malandain Bal­let Biarritz
Pic­tures :
Gor­ka Bra­vo, Pierre Balacey