• 21+22.08.2017 20:30
Chapel, 75’


Meet the artists after the show on 21.08

A second-degree suspense story leaves false trails and real trouble for a vibrant show toppling all landmarks.

Con­cept, direc­tion and choreography :
Ann Van den Broek
Per­for­mance :
Louis Combeaud, Wolf Gov­aerts, Nik Rajšek, Frauke Mar­iën, Emma Sere­sia, and others
Live cam­era, cinematography :
Bernie van Velzen
Hand-lamp :
Ann Van den Broek
Musi­cal composition :
Arne Van Dongen
Voice :
Gre­go­ry Frateur
Scenog­ra­phy :
Ann Van den Broek, Bernie van Velzen
Cos­tumes :
Ann Van den Broek, Judith Van Herck
Make-up :
Jos Brands
Advices :
Marc Van­runxt
Sales :
A Prop­ic — Line Rousseau & Mar­i­on Gauvent
Co-pro­duc­tion :
WArd/​waRD, cc Berchem, Kor­zo Pro­duc­tions (Roy­aume-Uni)
With the sup­port of :
Fonds des arts du spec­ta­cle (NL)
Pic­tures :
© Maarten Van­den Abeele