• 02—04.06.2022 21:00
Chapel, 60’

On stage, two dancers challenge one another. In their quest for balance and harmony, Alexander Vantournhout and Axel Guérin push the limits of their bodies in an uninterrupted mutual contact. Taking turns to lead the dance, they play with their differences and vary their strength. But even though they are athletic and trained, they are not perfect... With great wit, together they explore the strengths and weaknesses of their morphology.

In this first duet, Alexander Vantournhout continues his investigation into the kinetic and creative potential of physical limitations, working with the body in a pure and surprising register.

Con­cept, choreography :
Alexan­der Vantournhout
Cre­at­ed and per­formed by :
Axel Guérin & Alexan­der Vantournhout
Chore­og­ra­phy assistance :
Emmi Väisänen
Com­pos­er :
Andrea Belfi
Dra­matur­gy :
Rudi Laer­mans
Light :
Car­o­line Mathieu
Light design :
Har­ry Cole
Tech­nique :
Rinus Samyn
Cos­tumes :
Anne-Cather­ine Kunz
Scenog­ra­phy :
Bjorn Ver­linde
Cho­ero­graph­i­cal feedback :
Anneleen Kep­pens, Maria Fer­reira Silva
Dis­tri­b­u­tion :
Frans Brood Productions
Com­pa­ny manager :
Esther Maas
Pro­duc­tion manager :
Aïda Gabriëls
Pro­duc­tion :
not stand­ing
Copro­duc­tion :
Kun­sten­cen­trum Vooruit, PER­PLX, Marke, CEN­TQUA­TRE — Paris, Cirque-théâtre Elbeuf, Sub­sis­tances — Lyon, Théâtres de la Ville de Lux­em­bourg, MA scèné nationale – Pays de Montbéliard, Les Hiver­nales CDCN, Avi­gnon, Malper­tu­is — Tielt, The­ater Freiburg, Théâtres des Qua­tre Saisons — Gra­dig­nan, Théâtre de l’Arsenal — Val-de-Reuil
Res­i­den­cies :
les bal­lets C de la B, STUK, Wood Cube – Roulers, workspacebrussel
With the sup­port of :
Vlaamse Gemeen­schap
Alexan­der Van­tourn­hout is artist in res­i­den­cy at :
Kun­sten­cen­trum Vooruit and PERPLX
and asso­ci­at­ed artist at :
CEN­TQUA­TRE and Cirque-théâtre Elbeuf
Alexan­der Van­tourn­hout is sup­port­ed by :
Fon­da­tion BNP Paribas for the devel­op­ment of his projects
Pic­tures :
Bart Gri­etens