• 28.02, 01—04.03.2017 20:30

Meet the artists after the show on 03.03

Five experts set their minds on testing behaviors that today’s society demands. They submit themselves to experiments, adopting with scientific rigor a succession of given situations. A range of behaviors seemingly releases nerves: addictions, word to deed, power games, shameless profits, perverse conduct, impulses freed from moral reins and rapidly morphing into sad passions. Twelve tests, announced and evaluated in English, pace the show. Everything looks under control; but the machine breaks down, gestures become delirious and change meaning, in an eerie feeling alternating between laughter and tears.

Nicole Mossoux and Patrick Bonté pursue their fantasy reading of today’s world with the five interpreters of Histoire de l’imposture, their previous performance, using movement, voice and physicality as keys to interpretation and invention.

Within the context of Brussels, Dance!

Project con­cep­tion :
Patrick Bon­té
Direc­tion and choreography :
Nicole Mossoux et Patrick Bonté
Per­for­mance :
Sébastien Jacobs, Leslie Man­nès, Frauke Mar­iën, Max­ence Rey, Harold Henning
Orig­i­nal music :
Thomas Turine
Scenog­ra­phy :
Didi­er Payen
Styling :
Colette Huchard
Styling assis­tance :
Camille Fla­haux
Hair­dress­ing and wigs :
Rebec­ca Flores-Martinez
Lights :
Patrick Bon­té
Real­i­sa­tion assistance :
Julie Gold­steinas
Trans­la­tion and adaptation :
Oon­agh Duckworth
Tech­ni­cal direction :
Jean-Jacques Deneu­mousti­er
Sound tech­ni­cian :
Eric Ron­sse
Light tech­ni­cian :
Hugues Girard
Pic­tures :
Thibault Gré­goire
Pro­duc­tion :
Com­pag­nie Mossoux-Bonté
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines
With the sup­port of :
Le Phare (Cen­tre Choré­graphique Nation­al du Havre et de Haute Nor­mandie), Théâtre Paul Elu­ard (Scène Con­ven­tion­née — Bezons), DSN (Scène Nationale de Dieppe), la Rose des Vents (Scène Nationale Lille Métro­pole Vil­leneuve d’Ascq), Théâtre de Châtil­lon, Bien­nale Nationale de Danse du Val de Marne (CDC La Bri­que­terie), Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles — Ser­vice de la Danse, Wal­lonie-Brux­elles International