• 06—10.06.2017 20:30

Meet the artists after the show on 09.06

"The family represents a form of fatum, a destiny impossible to elude."
(Luchino Visconti)

A family dinner. The atmosphere is serene. The father, the mother, the son are lulled by the same ritornello, repetitive movements and leitmotifs that patiently weave ties. Then the Other arrives, with its "worrying strangeness". A beautiful composition begins between the four. The beautiful harmony ends. The "bug" does its job, demanding a new play from every one.

Leaning on four interpreters, Ingrid von Wantoch Rekowski also asked three composers to blend their spurts to the on-going process with the help of the IRCAM. Pursuing her explorations of the musical theatre, she focuses here on revising the universe of string quarters for bodies.

Com­posers :
Jean-Luc Fafchamps, Daniele Ghisi, François Sarhan and others
Direc­tion :
Ingrid von Wan­toch Rekowski
Assis­tant :
Manolo Sel­l­ati
Scenog­ra­phy :
Chris­tine Grégoire
Dra­matur­gy advices :
Jean-Marie Piemme
Actors :
Aurélien Dubreuil-Lachaud, Pierre Dherte, Adele Van­droth, Can­dy Saulnier
Cos­tumes :
Regine Beck­er
Sound cre­ation :
Greg Beller, Bart Aga
Eclairages et régie générale :
Hans Mei­jer
Musi­cal IT real­i­sa­tion Ircam :
Gré­go­ry Beller, Ben­jamin Lévy
Chargée de production :
Lau­ra Petit
Com­mu­ni­ca­tion :
Pic­ture :
© Plonk & Replonk
Pro­duc­tion :
Lucil­ia Caesar
Co-pro­duc­tion :
IRCAM (Paris), Les Brigit­tines, Ars Musi­ca, Césaré — Cen­tre Nation­al (Reims)
Sup­port­ed by :
Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, Ser­vice du Théâtre