• 16.02.2017 20:30

Price : 10 eur, on the spot the same evenening

Ictus launches a new series of short concerts at Les Brigittines, concerts which have been conceived as a series of poetic interventions.

This concert could just as easily be called: “what the hand knows”.
Two percussionists try to outdo each other in concentration stakes in a kind of ritual appropriation of objects: triangles, car suspensions, Tibetan bowls, strings with wooden pearls...Each object is given the right presence and the right music.
Each object is given a new alphabet.
Here the percussion is no longer the art of hitting things, but the art of tact.

Then suddenly, another musical stage opens up: children join the percussionists to perform Fritz Hauser’s strange and phenomenal Schraffur. Each and every generation rubs a collection of all kinds of
percussion instruments together in unison, in a kind of scratching symphony, “an esperanto of that burning sensation which has become a universal language”.

Programme :

Pierluigi Billone : Mani.Gonxha for two tibetan singing bowls
Alvin Lucier : Silver Street Car for triangle
Fritz Hauser : Schraffur for ensemble of percussions
Pierluigi Billone : Mani.Mono for springdrum
Gérard Grisey : Stèle for two Bass Drums with necklaces

Per­cus­sion :
Tom De Cock & Ger­rit Nulens
In col­lab­o­ra­tion with :
Danc­ing Kids
Pho­to :
Joachim Thome