• 18+20.08.2018 19:00
Mezzo, 45’

From 18 years old

Bel­gium Première

A character from the Hebrew tradition but who is no longer a part of the biblical texts, Lilith was the first woman, a true equal of Adam. It is for her censured status as masculine equivalent that she has become the emblem of many militant feminist groups through the representation of the feminine body: a non-conformist libertine character who symbolises, not without violence, the opposite of the feminine ideal upheld and valued in our patriarchal societies.

Marinette Dozeville takes inspiration from her to irreverently probe the porous territories between servitude and freedom, domination and submission. Chaotic, sensual, attractive, and annoying, she removes the shackles of all bonds and leads a gradual liberation of the body and movement; wild and natural.

Chore­og­ra­phy, performance :
Marinette Dozeville
Music cre­ation, performance :
Uriel Barthele­mi
Shibari for­mer :
Cyril Gril­lon
Dra­matur­gy :
Stéphanie Auberville
Artis­tic contributors :
Ben­jamin Duval, Frédéric Xavier Liver
Set design :
Bar­bara Kraft
Light cre­ation :
Marine Molard
Pro­duc­tion :
Yaplu­ka / Cie Marinette Dozeville
Copro­duc­tion :
le Nou­veau Relax – Scène con­ven­tion­née de Chau­mont, la Place des Cordes – Paris
With the sup­port of :
Stu­dio L’Envers, Fes­ti­val Jerk O – Paris, le manège, scène nationale – Reims, le Lab­o­ra­toire choré­graphique de Reims, Espace Louis Jou­vet – Scène con­ven­tion­née des Ardennes et le Jardin Par­al­lèle – Reims
Com­pag­nie Marinette Dozeville is sup­port­ed by :
Région Grand Est, le Min­istère de la cul­ture et de la communication/​DRAC Grand Est, le Con­seil Départe­men­tal de la Marne, la Ville de Reims, le Lab­o­ra­toire choré­graphique de Reims et la Spedidam
Res­i­den­cies :
Nou­veau Relax – Scène Con­ven­tion­née de Chaumont
Pic­tures :
Alain Julien