• 20+21.10.2022 11:30
Outdoor, 20’

20.10 > Place du Jeu de Balle
21.10 > Place de la Bourse

They have fallen on earth, among us, as meteors and will take to the streets. These black extravagant figures are the very real ghosts of our dreams, the stiff contours of our illusions. Nothing can make the energy of their savage and rhythmical saraband die down.
These sinister carnival silhouettes who have stepped straight out of the Company’s latest production, Les Arrière-Mondes, have turned out to be frank messengers shamelessly propelled in our everyday settings to establish the link – or create confusion – between the real and the fictional.

Con­cept :
Patrick Bon­té
Direc­tion, choreography :
Patrick Bon­té, Nicole Mossoux
Per­for­mance, artis­tic collaboration :
Dori­an Chavez, Tay­lor Lecocq, Colline Libon, Lenka Lup­tako­va, Frauke Mar­iën, Shan­ta­la Pèpe
Cos­tumes :
Jack­ye Fauconnier
Masks :
Rebec­ca Florès-Martinez
Tech­ni­cal direction :
Jean-Jacques Deneu­mousti­er
Pro­duc­tion :
Com­pag­nie Mossoux-Bonté
Copro­duc­tion :
Théâtre Les Tan­neurs, La Coop asbl, Shelterprod
With the sup­port from :
Taxshel​ter​.be, ING, Tax-Shel­ter du Gou­verne­ment fédéral belge, Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, ser­vice de la danse, Wal­lonie-Brux­elles International
Pic­ture :
Julian Mis­ciali