To celebrate the 20th birthday of the Dame de Pic/Cie Karine Ponties, the Brigittines present Luciola as well as 6 cartes blanches for performers who crossed the path of the company. Cécile Loyer (FR), Ricardo Machado (PT), Anna Reti (HU), Claudio Stellato (IT/BE), Jaro Vinarsky (SK), Guillermo Weickert (ES).

Two short films were also made for the occasion - and the birthday is prolonged the following week at the Théâtre de la Vie...

19.00 – Mezzo : short films, subjective visions on a company and 20 years of creation by Yoann Stehr & Stephan Dubrana and Wilkie Branson (40’)
20.30 – Chapel : Luciola (55’)
22.00 – Mezzo : Cartes Blanches (60’)


The figure of the monster seems to be increasingly obliterated from our civilised world. Yet, modern man hides terrifying monsters under her/his smooth appearance. Luciola goes on a search of the monster that, inside each of us, pushes the very limits of the body in its most uncertain areas and arises the animal where we least expect it. The chimera borne from the depths of imagination feeds more from shadows than from the light. Here, the choreography traps it crudely in an attempt to unearth the joy buried in troubled bodies and the laughter hiding in terror.

Cred­its :
Con­cep­tion and choreography :
Karine Pon­ties
Per­for­mance :
Ares D’Angelo, Eric Domeneghet­ty, Shan­ta­la Pèpe, Vil­ma Pitrinaite
Text :
Eric Domeneghet­ty, Karine Ponties
Light design and artis­tic advisor :
Guil­laume Tou­s­saint Fromentin
Orig­i­nal music :
David Mon­ceau
Scenog­ra­phy :
Wil­frid Roche
Pic­ture :
Lau­rent Philippe
Pro­duc­tion :
Dame de Pic/​Cie Karine Ponties
Co-pro­duc­tion :
La Bri­que­terie — CDC du Val de Marne (France), Les Brigit­tines, Le Gym­nase — CDC Roubaix Nord Pas de Calais (France)
Sup­port­ed by :
Min­istère de la Cul­ture de la Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles — Ser­vice de la Danse