• 17—19.02.2022 20:30
Chapel, 50’

Meet the artists after the show on 18.02

Revisiting the tale of Odysseus, the show focuses on these questions: In the face of the crises we are experiencing, how can we rebuild together what has been undone? And how can we create the possibility of a gesture of love? By dint of excess and ambition, Odysseus finds himself in a dark world where he faces the loss of his own subjectivity, his memory and, ultimately, his own demise.

Through a scenic device that resets the gaze, Odysseus takes us on a journey from decline to recovery.

Possibility to buy a combi-ticket with the show L'art de conserver la santé.

Con­cept, stage design, directing :
Monia Mon­tali & François Bodeux
Per­for­mance :
Jef Stevens, Monia Montali
Chore­og­ra­phy :
Monia Mon­tali
Sound­scape :
Miquel Cas­apon­sa
Text :
Jef Stevens, Monia Mon­tali, extracts from James Joyce’s Ulysses
Light design :
François Bodeux in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Nico­las Olivier
Tech­ni­cal direction :
François Bodeux
Dra­matur­gy assitance :
Pas­cale Gigon
Cos­tumes :
Fabi­enne Damiean
Cre­ation collaboration :
Kawan Augus­to De Oliveira, Dominique Duszynski
Pro­duc­tion :
Blue­back asbl
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, C‑Takt Provin­ci­aal Domein Dom­mel­hof, La Coop asbl, Shel­ter prod
Avec le sou­tien de :
Charleroi danse, La Chauf­ferie acte 1, ALDES/SPAM! rete per le arti con­tem­po­ra­nee, La Roseraie, Ate­liers Melens & Dejardin (Promethea), ING, Tax Shel­ter du gou­verne­ment fédéral belge, Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, Ser­vice de l’interdisciplinaire
Pic­ture :
François Bodeux