• 28.08.2019 19:00
  • 29.08.2019 20:30
Mezzo, 35’

Meet the artists after the show on 29.08

Bel­gium Première

A man and woman obsessively replay a household scene to stand up for their truth or their preferred interpretation of it: without speaking a word, the couple rip each other to shreds, love each other, and explode.

They come back to the scene like a film being rewound, showing details of the dysfunctions, failures, and idiosyncrasies of the relationship through slow motion, fast forwarding, stops, desynchronization... The changes in rhythm show, with tragic comedy, the Freudian slips, tics, suppressed impulses, and finally, the irresistible attraction that draws the partners together...

Tomeo Vergés narrates this endearing Neither with you, nor without you, with verve and a penetrating observation!

Evening made of 2 pieces cf. Harleking

Artis­tic director :
Tomeo Vergés
With :
San­drine Maison­neuve, Alvaro Morell
Dra­matur­gy :
Véronique Petit
Light :
Daniel Lévy
Sound­scape :
Thomas Fer­nier
Cos­tumes :
Sophie Hampe
Gen­er­al operator :
Olivi­er Mendili
Sound oper­a­tor :
Pierre Boscheron
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Cen­tre des bor­ds de Marne — Le Per­reux-sur-Marne, La Bri­que­terie — CDNC du Val de Marne et l’Ate­lier de Paris — Car­olyn Carlson
With the sup­port of :
La DRAC Ile-de-France, le CND, La Ménagerie de Verre / Studiolab
Pic­ture :
Patrick Berg­er