• 09—11.03.2017 20:30

Meet the artists after the show on 10.03

With­in the con­text of Brus­sels Dance

Fear and anguish invade the body both instinctively and irrepressibly. The physiological changes that they induce make up the raw material of the show. The breathing and gestures of the two dancers are progressively affected by sensations of oppression or panic but react, both separately and together, by constructing a vocabulary of movement that gives an insight into the impact and a presentiment of the breakaways.

A suggestive research of the ecstatic body that prolongs the challenges of It's going to get worse and worse my friend and AH/HA, which were presented at the Brigittines during previous seasons.

Con­cept and choreography :
Lis­beth Gruwez
Com­po­si­tion, sound design and assistance :
Maarten Van Cauwenberghe
Per­for­mance :
Nico­las Vla­dyslav, Lis­beth Gruwez
Dra­matur­gy :
Bart Van den Eynde
Repeti­tor :
Lucius Romeo-Fromm
Lights :
Har­ry Cole, Car­o­line Mathieu
Tech­ni­cal Direction :
Thomas Glo­rieux
Scenog­ra­phy :
Marie Szer­novisz, Lis­beth Gruwez, Maarten Van Cauwenberghe
Syling :
Alexan­dra Sebbag
Pho­to :
Luc Depre­it­ere
Pho­to :
Leif Firn­hab­er
Pro­duc­tion Manager :
Lies­beth Stas
Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Manager :
Daan Bor­loo
Pro­duc­tion :
Voetvolk vzw
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Fes­ti­val d’Avignon, La Bâtie-Fes­ti­val de Genève, KVS, Le Phare, Cen­tre Chore­graphique Nation­al du Havre Nor­mandie, The­ater Im Pumpen­haus, Les Brigit­tines, Tan­dem Arras-Douai, Weimar Kun­st­fest, Jul­i­dans, MA Scène Nationale – Pays de Mont­béliard, Troubleyn|Jan Fabre
Res­i­den­cies :
Trou­b­leyn | Jan Fab­re, Buda Kun­sten­cen­trum, Stuk, Les Brigittines
Sup­port­ed by :
NONA, Vlaamse Gemeen­schap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie