• 07—09.03.2024 22:00
Studio, 45’

They both hail from Florence. While Laura Simi and Erika Zueneli have been friends for a long time, they followed very different paths. Today, they’ve come together for a Saraband revolving around ancestral rituals and music, creating a contemporary pantheism of sorts.

‘By investing the body with the thickness of time, motifs, forces, and memories’, they compare their different backgrounds in a game of rebellious back-and-forth compositions and decompositions. This ironic show is a celebration of the energy of dance as a practice of space and utopia.

Con­cep­tion, peformance :
Eri­ka Zueneli & Lau­ra Simi
Light­ing design :
Sylvie Melis
Sound, music :
Perig Viller­bu
Dra­matur­gy, out­side eye :
Louise De Bastier
Tech­nique, light assistance :
Ori­ane Trably
Cos­tumes :
Lau­ra Simi (con­cept), Elis­a­beth Dal­li­er, Sophie Ongaro (real­i­sa­tion)
Sci­en­tif­ic collaboration :
Mari­na Nordera, dance historian
Pro­duc­tion :
Tant’amati asbl & Silenda
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Charleroi danse, CCNT-Cen­tre Chorégraphique de Tours direc­tion Thomas Lebrun, Arkan­so cie-Fes­ti­val Regards Dansants, en parte­nar­i­at avec Le Tri­dent Scèné nationale de Cher­bourg en Cotentin, Chorège CDCN de Falaise Nor­mandie dans le cadre de Culture-Santé
Res­i­den­cies :
CFB Berlin, LCC-La Coopérative chorégraphique de Caen, Cap‑étoile Mon­treuil, Le Stu­dio 24 à Caen
Sup­port­ed by :
Fédération Wal­lonie — Ser­vice de la danse
This project is sup­port­ed by :
la DRAC et la région Nor­mandie dans le cadre de l’aide au pro­jet 2023
Eri­ka Zueneli/Tant’amati is accom­pa­nied by :
Grand Stu­dio
Pic­tures :
Jean Fürst, Alban Van Wassenhove