• 19.05.2024 17:00
  • 20+21.05.2024 19:00
  • 22.05.2024 21:00
Chapel, 95'’

Bel­gian Première

Lan­guage : Lin­gala, FR and NL subtitles

Aftertalk op 20.05

Darkness falls over Kinshasa and its 17 million inhabitants. It is just before Christmas, a few weeks before the elections and the people struggle to access electric light. Kudi mobilises the residents of his Kisenso neighbourhood to collect money for a new power cable. On Mount Mangengenge, a holy place overlooking the city, Pastor Gédéon delivers a sermon about the light of Christ as the path to life and truth. After his house is flooded by the Congo River, Davido searches for a place to stay. He kills time with other young men, working out and dreaming of a better future.

Nelson Makengo is a Congolese director and visual artist oscillating between contemporary art and cinema. With Tongo Saa (Rising up at night), he signs a masterpiece of moving images and poetical narration. It is presented in the space and darkness of Les Brigittines' ancient chapel, in an immersive form of expanded cinema specially designed for the festival. Between hope, disappointment and religious faith, Tongo Saa paints a subtle and fragmented picture of a population that, despite the challenges, is sublimated by the beauty of Kinshasa’s nights. This sensitive portrait shows us the lights that are still shining when a city is plunged into darkness.

Présen­ta­tion :
Kun­sten­fes­ti­valde­sarts, Les Brigittines
Écri­t­ure, réalisation :
Nel­son Makengo
Assis­tant réalisation :
Isaac Sahani Dato
Ciné­matogra­phie :
Nel­son Makengo
Mon­tage :
Inneke Van Waeyenberghe
Son :
Moi­mi Wezam
Créa­tion sonore :
Franck Moka
Mon­tage son :
Las­z­lo Umbreit
Mix­age :
Rémi Gérard
Producteur·ices :
Dada Kahin­do, Rosa Spaliviero
Coproducteur·ices :
Flo­ri­an Schewe, Michel K. Zon­go, Marie Logie, Samuel Feller
Chargé·es de production :
Rosa Spaliviero, Juli­ette Hourçouri­garay, Isaac Sahani Dato, Hélène Ballis
Pro­duc­tion :
Twen­ty Nine Stu­dio & Pro­duc­tion, Muto­tu Productions
Copro­duc­tion :
Film Five, Diam Pro­duc­tions, Auguste Orts, Mag­el­lan Films, RTBF
Avec le sou­tien de :
Bourse Brouil­lon d’un rêve doc­u­men­taire SCAM, Bourse Ate­lier Dérives, Vlaams Audio­vi­sueel Fonds, Cen­tre du Ciné­ma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, Tax Shel­ter du Gou­verne­ment Fédéral belge, Fonds Image de la Fran­coph­o­nie, Fonds Jeune Créa­tion Fran­coph­o­ne, World Cin­e­ma Fund, IDFA Bertha Fund Clas­sics, Sun­dance Insti­tute Doc­u­men­tary Film Pro­gram, The Atlas Work­shops — Mar­rakech Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val, Hot Docs Blue lce Docs Fund, Doha Film Institute
Ver­sion de Ton­go Saa (Ris­ing up at night) en ciné­ma aug­men­té pro­duite par :
Pho­tos :
Nel­son Makengo