• 01.03.2018 20:30
  • 02+03.03.2018 19:00
Mezzo, 55’

Meet the artist after the show on 01.03

Even if you play together, being in concert, you are still alone…

Despite the desire to turn it into a shared experience. Three performers feed this desire by combining their musical and stage experiences, while drawing on punk. The dancers are transported in a game of crossovers and conjunctions between body, voice and music, and are both together and allein.

The leitmotiv? Transformation, agreement and accumulation.

Dance, per­for­mance :
Eri­ka Zueneli
Voice, per­for­mance :
Jean Fürst
Music, per­for­mance :
Rodolphe Coster
Dra­matur­gi­cal advices :
Olivi­er Hespel
Chore­og­ra­phy and real­i­sa­tion assistance :
Olivi­er Renouf
Light :
Lau­rence Halloy
Cos­tumes :
Marie Szer­snovicz
Sound tech­ni­cian :
Pao­la Pisciottano
Assis­tance :
Lea Rogliano
Tour man­ag­er, production :
Les Organ­ismes Vivants & Arts Man­age­ment Agency (AMA)
Pro­duc­tion :
Tant’amati/Asbl & l’Yeuse
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Charleroi danse, Fes­ti­val Faits d’hiver in part­ner­ship with Cen­tre Wal­lonie-Brux­elles — Paris
With the sup­port of :
Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, Ser­vice de la Danse, ADA­MISACD
Stu­dio’s loan :
Cen­tre Nation­al de la Danse — Paris, Stu­dio Com­pag­nie Thor
Res­i­den­cies :
Espace Dar­ja, Micadans­es, La Bri­que­terie – CDCN du Val-de-Marne, Théâtre des Doms
Accom­pa­nied by :
Grand Stu­dio
Thanks to :
Sébastien Jacobs
Pic­tures :
voyez-vous (vin­ciane lebrun-verguethen)