• 16+17.06.2021 19:00
Mezzo, 50’

Fes­ti­val TB²

Tick­ets :
02 213 86 10 or

“Glitch”: a malfunction or short interruption in the playback of a computer file that produces visual or audio mishaps.

The phenomenon has appealed to Florencia Demestri and Samuel Lefeuvre who, together since 2012, have placed the notion of ‘strangeness’ at the root of their work. Technology, which has become omnipresent, but also cinema, special effects, video games, feed our futuristic imaginations and modify our perception of reality. Inspired by these influences, the two creators started decoding an aesthetics of error, using the tools applied by the "glitch artists" to try to break new ground: how to move, beyond the objective and the intention, towards the unpredictable and the unexpected and bring about creative anomalies, aesthetic accidents and, paradoxically, flashes of humanity.

Evening made of 2 pieces. Possibility to attend to the performance Dress Code from Julien Carlier - Cie Abis at 9pm at Théâtre Les Tanneurs. Combi-ticket available.

In partnership with Brussels, dance !

Con­cept, chore­og­ra­phy, performance :
Samuel Lefeu­vre, Flo­ren­cia Demestri
alter­nat­ing with :
Camille Guil­laume
Light design :
Nico­las Olivier
Sound design :
Raphaëlle Lati­ni
Stage design :
François Bodeux
Light tech­ni­cian :
Aurélie Per­ret
Dra­matur­gy :
Emmanuelle Nizou
Dra­matur­gy assistance :
Jill De Muelenaere
Visu­al collaboration :
Laeti­tia Bica
Cos­tumes :
Vanes­sa Pinto
Pro­duc­tion, distribution :
France Morin / Arts Man­age­ment Agency
Pro­duc­tion :
LOG asbl
Exec­u­tive production :
Vais­seau asbl
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Charleroi danse – Cen­tre choré­graphique de la Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, La Place de la Danse – Cen­tre de développe­ment choré­graphique nation­al Toulouse-Occ­i­tanie / dans le cadre du dis­posi­tif Accueil-Stu­dio, L’Atelier de Paris – Cen­tre de développe­ment choré­graphique nation­al, Cen­tre choré­graphique Nation­al d’Orléans – Direc­tion Maud Le Pladec, The­ater Freiburg, La Coop asbl, Shel­ter Prod, Tanz Ist, MARS-Mons Arts de la Scène, Co-Fes­ti­val Ljubl­jana (Kino Siska & Nomad Dance Acad­e­my Slovenija)
Sup­port­ed by :
Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles – Ser­vice de la Danse, taxshel​ter​.be, ING, Tax-Shel­ter du Gou­verne­ment Fédéral Belge, Grand Stu­dio, DeVIR/​CAPa Cen­tro de Artes Per­for­ma­ti­vas do Algarve Faro, Cen­tre cul­turel Jacques Franck
Pic­ture :
Laeti­tia Bica