• 06—07, 09—10.12.2022 19:00
  • 08.12.2022 19:15
Mezzo, 60’

Meet the artists after the show on 09.12

An anagram of the performers’ names, J’en pris les oiseaux / Criiez oracle consists of a solo on stage and a video-dance duet between Jason Respilieux and Claire Croizé.

The performance invites us to contemplate the practice of slowing down and paying attention: a renewed awareness of the sensations that enable us to perceive ourselves as human beings bound to our environment and reliant on it.

Jason Respilieux’s poetic and sensorial choreography allows the audience to explore the senses, observe signs, and, by using our five senses, restore a fragile dialogue between our bodies and the living world that surrounds and composes them.

Evening made of 2 pieces (cf. Rafales).

Project leader, chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, performer :
Jason Respilieux
Per­for­mance (video) :
Claire Croizé
Exter­nal view, dra­matur­gy, chore­o­graph­ic assistance :
Eva Hon­ings
Cos­tumes :
Ella­da Damianou
Light­ing engi­neer, scenog­ra­phy, technician :
Max Adams
Videog­ra­phy, editing :
Simon Van Der Zande
Pho­tog­ra­phy :
Lore Stes­sel, Eva Honings
Del­e­gat­ed production :
En Archipel Asbl
Copro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Charleroi danse — Cen­tre choré­graphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles
With the sup­port of :
Iles Asbl, Garage29, ECCE, Fédération Wal­lonie- Brux­elles, Ser­vice de la Danse, SEN Stu­dio Etangs Noirs, Cen­tqua­tre — Paris, L’Essieu du Batut — Murols
Pic­tures :
© Jason Respilieux, Eva Honings