• 06—08, 10.12.2022 20:45
  • 09.12.2022 21:00
Chapel, 60’

Meet­ing with the artist after the 08.12 show

Fleeing on a path strewn with pitfalls, a group inexorably moves forward, united against the threat of imminent danger. On the stage, the five performers form a cohesive body, confronting uncertainty as they explore the gestures of cooperation and mutual aid, and of rivalry and fantasies.

Between tangible physical actions and abstract sound and graphic landscapes, bodies appear to be sucked into a fragmented space-time. They multiply their efforts to reconstruct their environment so as to break free from it.

Shantala Pèpe explores a choreographic, pictorial, and sound narrative about migration and mutual aid, as she navigates between realism and dreamlike reality.

Evening made of 2 shows (cf. J'en pris les oiseaux / Criiez oracle).

Con­cep­tion, chore­og­ra­phy, direction :
Shan­ta­la Pèpe
Cre­ation, interpretation :
Mar­i­on Boset­ti, François Brice, Louis Nam Le Van Ho, Nadir Louat­ib, Frauke Mariën (many thanks to Vin­cent Clavaguera-Pratx)
Artis­tic col­lab­o­ra­tion, light­ing, scenography :
Hugues Girard
Musi­cal composition :
Thomas Turine
Dra­matur­gi­cal overlook :
Sara Lemaire
Cos­tumes :
Pat­ty Eggerickx
Cos­tume making :
Isabelle Airaud
Set­ting in voice :
Sarah Klenes
Accom­pa­ni­ment to the pro­duc­tion and diffusion :
Claude Véron
Pro­duc­tion :
Copro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Le Phare — Nation­al Chore­o­graph­ic Cen­ter of Le Havre Nor­mandie / direc­tion Fouad Bous­souf, as part of Accueil-Studio
With the sup­port of :
Wal­lo­nia-Brus­sels Fed­er­a­tion, Mossoux-Bon­té Com­pa­ny, Cul­tur­al Cen­ter Jacques Franck, The­atre Les Tan­neurs, SACD Bel­gium, Look­IN’OUT (the­atre 140, Le BAMP, Ad Lib), Wal­lo­nia Brus­sels The­atre Dance
Pic­tures :
© Aurélie Lep­orq, Fabi­enne Antomarchi