• 03—06.04.2019 20:30

Meet the artists after the show on 05.04
In the frame­work of Brus­sels, dance !

Hors Temps

This time, Vertèbre - created and danced by Michèle Noiret herself in 1989 - is entrusted to dancer Sara Tan. In a mutual sense of curiosity and desire for exchange, pieces from this typical solo from the choreographer's repertoire will be adopted in their original form, while other pieces will be reinvented and infused with the personality and creativity of the new performer.

In the middle of the stage, between two rays of light suspended like wires, we witness the metamorphosis of a strange creature clinging to a chair upside down: a black silhouette with gloves on and with strong, insect-like limbs. Hunched, she clings to her pedestal in search of balance before trying to fly out. When she finally comes loose, there is an explosive zest for life, the desire to overcome the evil and noise of the world that weigh her down.

Evening made of 3 shows (with Penelope from Voetvolk/Lisbeth Gruwez and Les Beaux jours from Pierre Droulers)

Possibility to combine with the show Alice from Shantala Pèpe - Combi-ticket : 18/15 eur > https://shop.utick.be/?module=...

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Michèle Noiret
Cre­at­ed and per­formed by :
Sara Tan
Orig­i­nal musics composition :
Youssef Yan­cy, Todor Todoroff
Scenog­ra­phy, costumes :
Michèle Noiret
Cos­tumes assitant :
Eugénie Poste
Light cre­ation and stage manager :
Xavier Lauw­ers
Pro­duc­tion :
Com­pag­nie Michèle Noiret/​Tandem asbl
Sup­port­ed by :
Min­istère de la Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, Ser­vice de la Danse, Loterie Nationale
Pic­ture rehearsals decem­ber 2018 :
Sergine Laloux